Using Epitope Tags to Study Autoimmunity

news October 29 2018

Many chronic autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, and Sjögrens syndrome are associated with an overactive Th17 response.  While Act1 (IL-17R adaptor protein) plays a role in mediating downstream IL-17 signaling, loss of Act1 results in spontaneous autoimmune diseases.  Zhang et al. utilized epitope tags to study the mechanism by which Act1 negatively regulates T and B cell activation and found that it directly binds to and inhibits STAT3 signaling thereby modulating IL-23/IL-21-dependent autoimmunity.

BioLegend offers a wide variety of epitope tag antibodies and associated reagents to help study direct protein-protein interactions and how point mutations may alter these interactions and downstream signaling events.

Adapted from Zhang et al. 2018. Nature Communications. 16:9.

Epitope Tag Antibodies

Anti c-Myc Antibodies

Anti-DYKDDDDK Tag Antibodies

Anti-HA Tag Antibodies

Anti-His Tag Antibodies

Anti-V5 Antibodies

Epitope Tag Small Motif Antibody Sampler Kit

Epitope Tag Big Motif Antibody Sampler Kit



Adapted from Zhang et al. 2018.

Nature Communications

. 16:9.


Adapted from Zhang et al. 2018.

Nature Communications

. 16:9.

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