Extract DNA and RNA from the Same Sample

news May 04 2018

In a comparison study, the Zymo Research Quick-DNA/RNA™ kit was chosen as the top-performing kit based on DNA/RNA yields and successful STR and mRNA profiling using blood and saliva samples for forensics applications. Additionally, the Quick-DNA/RNA™ kit was determined to be the most cost-effective dual extraction kit as compared to other vendors (1).

(1) Schweighardt AJ, et al. Evaluation of Commercial Kits for Dual Extraction of DNA and RNA from Human Body Fluids. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2015. Comparison between Qiagen, Norgen Biotek, and Thermo Fisher Scientific.

DNA and RNA from any Sample

The Quick-DNA/RNA™ technology is universal and accommodates any sample input including cultured cells, any tissue, blood, tough-to-lyse samples, etc.

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